
Input Data

This demo runs using the following population config files data/pop_africa/afr.config and data/pop_europe/eur.config that declare rudimentary options and point to the relative paths for all required population data.

Run The Demo:

To run BridgePRS using a continuous phenotype:

Easyrun Command: Continuous Trait (y)

Run BridgePRS on the toy phenotype "y" with the following command:

./bridgePRS easyrun go -o out1 --config_files data/afr.config data/eur.config --phenotype y 

And verify that a summary figure out1/bridgeSummary.png shown below is created. Then repeat the process using a binary phenotype:

Easyrun Command

Run BridgePRS on the toy binary phenotype "y.binary" with the following command:

./bridgePRS easyrun go -o out2 --config_files data/afr.config data/eur.config --phenotype y.binary

Demo Results:

If bridgePRS runs successfully on the toy data, please go to the next page for information on interpretation of the results. Before running bridgePRS with larger real data, please consider reading our most common use cases examples to understand how best to use bridgePRS in realistic scenarios.
