
Interpreting Results

The easyrun command used in the previous step sequentially runs five different subprograms in output directory supplied on the command line (eg. out1 and out2):

  1. prs-single (stage 1): Run PRS using the target population only (AFR).
  2. build-model: Estimate SNP weights & prior params from model pop (EUR).
  3. prs-port (stage 1.5): Run target-PRS using the model snp weights.
  4. prs-prior (stage 2): Run target-PRS using model prior distributions.
  5. analyze Combine results to produce a weighted target PRS result.

And produces output in the following five subdirectories:

  1. prs-single_AFR/quantify/: Weights, predictions, and performance metrics.
  2. model_EUR/prior: Model weights and priors.
  3. prs-port_AFR/quantify/: Weights, predictions, and performance metrics.
  4. prs-prior_AFR/quantify/: Weights, predictions, and performance metrics.
  5. prs-combined_AFR/: Analysis that combined the previous four steps.

The directory structure created by this command is shown below:
