

After downloading and unzipping BridgePRS into a suitable directory on your machine you will observe that a folder with the following contents:

 bridgePRS              <--- program executable 
 data/                  <--- input data               
 src/                   <--- source code 
 tests/                 <--- test directory

Using the terminal, type the following command from within the directory:

chmod +x bridgePRS
chmod +x src/Python/Xtra/plink*
to make bridgePRS and plink executable


Next, confirm that the required libraries and dependencies are installed and available by following the instructions in Software. Alternatively, you can type:

and bridgePRS will check your system and provide further instructions to help you install missing dependencies.

Warning: Extra MacOs Security:

If you see this msg when running 'check requirements' (or any other time): Error

You will have to change your system settings to allow bridgePRS to call plink.
For instructions on how to do so, please click here.